DMCA Compliance

All the video content found on the Songs By Lyric is not hosted on our servers nor is created or uploaded by us.

Songs By Lyric simply acts as a search engine that finds videos from websites like YouTube, DailyMotion and other video portals. Songs By Lyric is not responsible for external website’s content.

If you find that some of the content violates your rights you may request for that content to be brought down at the host that is responsible for the content.

That will ensure that the content is removed from Songs By Lyric and other search engines that may have indexed the content.

If you are concerned about copyrighted material appearing in this website, we suggest that you contact the web site that is hosting the video and have it removed from there.

Once the content is removed from the website hosting your content, it will automatically be removed from Songs By Lyric It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.

This page outlines the information required to submit these notices and allows online submission for the fastest response.

Important – A/V Content Removal Requests

Songs By Lyric works as a search engine then it is not responsible for the content of external websites.

Please ensure before sending an A/V removal request that the media in question is actually hosted by Songs By Lyric .

The most effective way of protecting your rights is to seek removal from the host that is responsible for the content. This in turn, will remove the content from Songs By Lyric and any other search engines that may have indexed the content.

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